Resolutions for 2014 – 2016

Resolutions for 2014 – 2016


In our effort to be better citizens, our focus will be on the following values:


We recognise the importance of playing our part in nation building. As responsible citizens and Christian women we resolved to




Matthew 22: 36-39

“Which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus said “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. The 2nd love your neighbour as you love yourself” We resolve to love our neighbour in the following ways: show respect, common courtesy, good relationship and treat them with compassion and dignity.


  • Human dignity is the basis of human rights.It is something that cannot be taken away.

  • Each person has values and is worthy of great respect and most importantly must be free from slavery, manipulation and exploitation.

  • Human beings are created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). They have of their existence an inherent value, immeasurable worth and dignity.

  • Each human life is considered sacred.


  • Demonstrate love and respect for each and every individual irrespective of his/her age, gender, race, social status, religion and financial status.

  • Reach out to the destitute, disabled vulnerable children, bereaved families, victims of abuse and drug& alcohol dependency victims

  • Revive your fellow citizens spiritually.

  • Establish programmes that will alleviate poverty and unemployment.

  • Liaise and collaborate with other stakeholders to redress the injustices.

  • Capacitate the communities on strategies to overcome any forms of degrading practices on other human beings.

  • Advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves.

  • Robust participation in the local, Provincial, National and International events aimed at creating awareness on human dignity e.g World Aids day, Human rights day, Activism against gender-based violence etc.

  • Promote a good and healthy environment.



We pledge to be accepting of all God’s people and refrain from discrimination on the basis of race, sexual orientation, age, disability, colour, ethnicity, class, culture, belief system, religion, political and birth.


  • Equality is a state or quality of being equal, in terms of quantity, degree, value, race and ability.

  • Equality is not about treating everyone the same. It is about treating people in such a way that the outcome for each person can be the same.

  • Equality of outcome can be achieved by making sure that every person is supported to have access to resources and decision making, to be recognised, valued and respected.

  • Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents.

  • Equality recognises that there are certain groups of people who are discriminated against on the basis of their race, disability, gender and sexuality.


  • Active and positive participation in the parish, diocese, provincial decision-making bodies.

  • Active and positive participation in the local, provincial and national political decision making structures.

  • Advocate for recognition and involvement of women in all church structures.

  • Be vocal towards any programme which undermines gender equality.

  • Become an advocate of all inequalities, speak out on behalf of widows, orphans, the aged and all vulnerable groups in our societies



Simple English dictionary explains accountability as “Giving reasons for your omissions and commissions” hence the bible says “ You can be sure that on the Judgement day everyone will have to give account for every useless/ careless word they speak for by your words you will be justified, and by your words, you will be condemned”


  • Accountability is essential for any society to function and Christian accountability is no different. We are all held accountable in one way or another for example there are laws to be obeyed within the household, religious fraternity, political, societal and employment sectors and if we fail to be obedient, we may face the consequences of our actions.

  •  Accountability is rooted in the following essential elements:

  • Trust: in order to develop Christian accountability there is a need to TRUST

    1. To enhance this element we need to be active listeners (James 1:19)

    2. Portray non-judgemental attitude towards each other (Matth 7:1-2)

    3. Love each other ( 1 John 4:21)

  • Accountability involves the willingness to open yourself up and share sensitive or personal information.

  • Relate: This element is essential when a group shares a common bond or has been through similar experiences. They can share and empathise with an understanding heart.

  • Good Stewardship: 1Corinthians 4:1-2 states that “ This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they are found faithful”.


    1. Generosity

    2. Good relationships

    3. Integrity:

    4. Excellence


  • Be a faithful servant of Christ by being honest, truthful, responsible, protective of God’s creation.

  • Preserve your dignity and integrity and that of others

  • Abide by the laws that govern you e. g Pay all your dues as required by the municipality, church, government etc.

  • Submit accurate reports in due course to all relevant authorities

  • Empower the families, parishioners and communities with relevant information.

  • Give feedback in due course when it is due e.g meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences.

  • Be faithful with your tithes

  • Strengthen your relationship with other guilds, relevant stakeholders.

  • Engage in fellowship with sister parishioners,

  •  Keep accurate records e.g minutes, financial records, correspondence and projects

  • Commit yourselves to quality work.

  • Honour your promises.

  • Be honourable custodians of assets and responsibilities entrusted to you

  • Submit to people put in authority and respect and support your leaders

Dear sisters everything we do, we must do it well as we are doing it for the Kingdom of God. That is the right thing to do because we glorify God’s name through our actions and what we speak.

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